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TEXAS OFFSHORE PERFORMANCE POWERBOAT SQUADRON CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS ARTICLE I NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the Texas Offshore Performance Powerboat Squadron (TOPPS). The organization will be a non-profit corporation. Section 2 The purpose of this squadron shall be as follows:
Section 1 Membership in this squadron shall be open to any qualified individual who subscribes to the principals and requirements of these by-laws and who is sponsored by a current member in good standing. The applicant and his sponsor (or the sponsor’s representative) must attend the meeting at which he is nominated and voted on for membership. All new applications must be reviewed and approved by the Executive Board, and then the membership will be voted upon at the next meeting. New members must be approved by a majority vote with a quorum in attendance.Membership is limited to 115 full voting members. (Amended September 1998).
Section 2 There shall be six classes of Membership: (Amended March 4, 2011)
a. Owner of a high performance offshore boat that meets the following specifications: 2. Associate Membership – shall consist of any individual who meets the following qualifications:
Section 3 Membership Status:
Section 1 Officers:
Section 2 Duties of Officers:
Section 3 Executive Committee:
Section 4 Standing Committees:
Section 1 The regular business meetings of the Squadron shall be called by the Executive Committee. There shall be at lease eight (8) regular business meetings called by the Executive Committee and these shall be held at least once a month during the months of April through September. Section 2 The President and/or the Executive Committee shall have the power to call special meetings of the Squadron when they deem it necessary or advisable. In the case of these special meetings, notice shall be given to all members by mail or by telephone at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting. Section 3 The Executive Committee is responsible to call at lease one meeting in September which shall be considered the Annual Meeting. Section 4 The Executive Committee shall meet prior to the regular business meetings. The time and place of such meetings shall be established by mutual consent of the committee members. Section 5 A quorum at a regular business meeting shall consist of at least twenty percent (20%) of the voting membership and shall include at least three (3) Executive Committee Members. Section 6 All members shall be expected to attend all regular business meetings. (Amended March 3, 2004) ARTICLE V ELECTIONS
Section 1 All candidates for offices shall be members in good standing.Section 2 Candidates for President or Vice-President shall be limited to Full Membership squadron members in good standing. Section 3 Candidates for Secretary and Treasurer shall be limited to Full Membership squadron members in good standing. Section 4 Nominations for the Squadron Officers shall be accepted from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Voting shall be accomplished by secret ballot at the next monthly meeting, with the current Secretary responsible for the count. (All elections are to be decided by a majority vote of 51% or more of the voting members present, establishing a quorum. In the event that no one person in an election acquires 51% or more of the vote, a run-off between the two individuals with the highest percentage of votes shall be conducted without delay to determine the majority vote.) (Amended 1999) Section 5 All vacancies on the Executive Committee shall be appointed by the President. The appointee shall serve out the unexpired term of the predecessor. ARTICLE VI VOTING
Section 1 Only Squadron members with Full Membership and members of the Executive Committee shall have the right to vote. Section 2 Voting shall be done in person at general membership meetings. Absentee ballots are unacceptable. Section 3 All votes shall be decided on a majority basis unless otherwise stated. ARTICLE VII AMENDMENTS
Section 1 This constitution and by-laws may be amended at any regular business meeting. The amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board prior to the meeting for review. This amendment shall be presented at the next general meeting then published in the newsletter following the general meeting. The amendment will be voted on at the second general meeting after the proposal was submitted. Amendment approval will require two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present. ARTICLE VIII DUES
Section 1 Annual Dues are $175 for memberships. Annual dues for Full Voting Corporate Members are $250. Nonvoting Corporate Members are $300 and Associate Members are $200.00 (Amended September 12, 2002). (Per amendment February 1999), Officers and Directors dues are waived. Section 2 All dues are payable by the first general membership meeting each year. Failure to comply will result in being barred from participation in any squadron events and deletion from the TOPPS newsletter. Section 3 The annual dues can only be changed by amendment to the Squadron by-laws (see Article VII). A PDF version of this document can be downloaded here. |